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Virgin and Child in a Landscape
Virgin and Child in a Landscape

Virgin and Child in a Landscape

Artist Cima da Conegliano Italian, b. Conegliano 1459/1460–d. 1517/1518 Conegliano of Venice
Datecirca 1496
MediumOil on panel (later transferred to canvas and remounted to panel)
Dimensions28 x 24 3/4 in. (71.1 x 62.9 cm)
Frame: 38 3/4 x 34 1/2 x 3 1/2 in. (98.4 x 87.6 x 8.9 cm)
Credit LinePurchased with funds from the State of North Carolina, 1952, and dedicated in honor of Dr. David H. Steel, curator of European art (1982–2019) by the NCMA Board of Trustees, 2020.
Object number52.9.152
On View
Not on view
ProvenancePrivate Collection, St. Petersburg, Russia; Leningrad Museums and Castles sale, Berlin, Rudolf Lepke, November 6–7, 1928, lot 364, illus. 15 [1]; Newhouse Galleries, New York; sold to NCMA, 1951.

[1] There are no annotated sale catalogues listed in Scipio. There are numerous versions of this composition with variations, including one in the National Gallery, London, and the Hermitage. The NCMA painting does not seem to have been previously published. It is not that exhibited by the Kotchoubey Collection, Russia, nor that formerly in the Schuster Collection.
Published ReferencesL. Weiner, "Cima," L'Arte 12 (1909), 218.

Rudolph Lepke's Kunst-Auctions-Haus: Kunstwerke aus den beständen leningrader Museen und Schlösser…Ermitage... Palais Michailoff...Gatschina U.A. (auction catalogue) (Berlin, November 6, 1928), lot 364, illus. 104.

Paul Wescher, "Cima," Pantheon 2 (1928), 528.

Luigi Menegazzi, Cima da Conegliano (exhibition catalogue) (Venice: published by Neri Pozza Editore for Palazzo del Trecento, Treviso, 1962), 18, illus. (b-w) 19.

Raimond van Marle, The Development of the Italian Schools of Painting, Vol. 17 (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1935; reprinted by Hacker Art Books, New York, 1970), 437-38.

W. R. Valentiner, Catalogue of Paintings: Including Three Sets of Tapestries (Raleigh, North Carolina Museum of Art, 1956), no. 182, illus. (b-w).

Martin Davis, The Early Italian Schools (London: The National Gallery, 1961), 143.

Exhibition Number One from the Permanent Collection (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1970), 18, illus. (b-w) 19.

Terisio Pignatti and Kenneth Donahue, The Golden Age of Venetian Painting (exhibition catalogue) (Los Angeles: The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, 1979), cat. no. 5, illus. (color) 41.

Luigi Menegazzi, Cima da Conegliano (Treviso, Italy: Canova, 1981), 114-5, illus. fig. 101.

Edgar Peters Bowron, Introduction to the Collections (Chapel Hill: published for the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1983), illus. (b-w) 187.

Peter Humfrey, Cima da Conegliano (Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1983), 142-43, illus. pl. 163.

Introduction to the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1992), illus. (color) 173.

Jennifer J. Ohmann, "An Analysis of Cima da Conegliano's Madonna and Child in a Landscape," Independent study, essay, Fall 1992.

"Postscript," Southern Living (December 1993), 52, shown as Christmas stamp.

Journal of Fine and Performing Arts Philately 39, no. 3 (December 1993), illus. 53 and front cover (article concerns the dedication ceremony at the museum for the Christmas stamp).

David Steel, "Cima's Madonna and Child in a Landscape," North Carolina Museum of Art Preview (Winter 1993), 12-14, illus (color) cover and (b-w) 13.

JAMA: The Journal Of the American Medical Association (December 22/29, 1993), illus. (color) cover.

Marion Wheeler, Her Face: Images of the Virgin Mary in Art (Cobb, CA: First Glance Books, 1998), illus. 147, detail (color) 46.

David Steel, entry for Madonna and Child in a Landscape, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, Rebecca Martin Nagy, ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1998), 115, 125, illus. (color) 125.

Jo Woestendiek, "What Child is This?", Winston-Salem, NC: Prime Times (November 15, 2000), discussed briefly 12, illus. 11.

Carlo Del Bravo, "Due veneti," in Opere e giorni: Studi su mille anni di arte europea, dedicati a Max Seidel (Venice: Marsilio, 2001), 417, illus. 418.

Important Old Master Paintings Part 1: Including Property from the Collection of Jacques Goudstikker, Thursday 19 April 2007 (auction catalogue) (New York: Christie’s. 2007), discussed and illus. (color) 54, fig. 2.

Perri Lee Roberts, Corpus of Early Italian Paintings in North American Public Collections: The South, Vol. 3 (Athens, GA: Georgia Museum of Art, University of Georgia, 2009), discussed 614, illus. (b-w) 615.

Cima da Conegliano: Poeta del Paesaggio (exhibition catalogue) (Venice: Marsilio Editore, 2010), illus. (color) 142 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).

David Steel, entry for Madonna and Child in a Landscape, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2010), 262, illus. (color) 263.

Giovanni Carlo Federico Villa, Cima da Conegliano: Maître de la Renaissance Vénitienne (exhibition catalogue) (Paris: Réunion des musées nationaux – Grand Palais, 2012), 71, illus. (color) fig. 17 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).

Rachelle Garbarine, “Pictures of Faith,” NCCatholics (December 2015), mentioned 17 and 18.

Angelica Daneo, ed. Glory of Venice: Masterworks of the Renaissance (exhibition catalogue) (Denver: Denver Art Museum, 2016), cat. no. 10, illus. (color), also illus. detail (color) 48 and briefly discussed 49.

Lyle Humphrey, "Saul Among the Prophets: W.R. Valentiner, Robert L. Humber, Carl W. Hamilton, and the Italian Collection at the NCMA," Lisandra Estevez, ed., Collecting Early Modern Art (1400-1800) in the U.S. South (Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021), 34, 39.
Exhibition HistoryTreviso, Italy, Palazzo del Trecento, "Cima da Conegliano," August 26-November 11, 1962, 18, illus. 19.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Exhibition Number One from the Permanent Collection," October 1970, 18, illus. (b-w) 19.

Los Angeles, CA, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, "The Golden Century of Venetian Painting," October 30, 1979-January 27, 1980, cat. no. 5, illus. (color) 41.

Denver, CO, Denver Art Museum, “Glory of Venice: Masterworks of the Renaissance,” October 2, 2016–February 12, 2017; Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, March 4–June 18, 2017, cat. no. 10, illus. (color).

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Becoming the NCMA: 10 Decades of Collecting, 1924-2022," June 11-August 21, 2022.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection, Reimagined," October 7, 2022–July 8, 2024.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Venice and the Ottoman Empire," September 28, 2024-January 5, 2025.
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