Winter 1946
Andrew Wyeth
American, 1917–2009
MediumTempera on board
Dimensions31 3/8 x 48 in. (79.7 x 121.9 cm)
Frame: 39 5/8 x 56 3/8 x 2 3/4 in. (100.6 x 143.2 x 7 cm)
Frame: 39 5/8 x 56 3/8 x 2 3/4 in. (100.6 x 143.2 x 7 cm)
Credit LinePurchased with funds from the State of North Carolina
Object number72.1.1
On View
On viewPublished ReferencesJudith Kaye Reed, "The Wyeth Family Honors Its Sire," Art Digest 21 (October 15, 1946), 10, mentioned & illus. (b-w).
"The Wyeth Family" (review), Art News 45 (November 1946), 58-59, noted 59.
"Art: American Realist," Time (July 16, 1951), mentioned.
Andrew Wyeth: Temperas, Watercolors, and Drawings (exhibition catalogue) (Buffalo, NY: Albright-Knox Art Gallery, 1962), cat. no. 3.
Richard Meryman, "Andrew Wyeth: An Interview," Life (May 14, 1965), 93-116, 121, discussed 110, illus. (b-w) 121.
Andrew Wyeth: Temperas, Watercolors, Drybrush, Drawings, 1938 to 1966 (exhibition catalogue) (Philadelphia: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1966), no 19, illus. (b-w).
Richard Meryman, Andrew Wyeth (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1968), discussed 3, 4, illus. (color) 17.
Gene Logsdon, Wyeth People: A Portrait of Andrew Wyeth as He is Seen by His Friends and Neighbors (Garden City, NY: Doubleday & Co., 1971) mentioned 1, discussed 28, 40, 109.
Important Recent Acquisitions (exhibition catalogue) (New York: Hirschl & Adler Galleries, 1972), no. 74, illus. (b-w).
Charlotte V. Brown, "State Art Museum Board's Qualifications are Questioned," Raleigh: News and Observer (n.d.) discussed and illus.
Jan Johnson, "State offers $125,000 for painting by Wyeth," Raleigh: The Raleigh Times (May 9, 1972), discussed 1-A, 2-A, illus. 2-A.
Jan Johnson, "Andrew Wyeth's 'Winter 1946' may soon hang in art museum," Raleigh: The Raleigh Times (May 9, 1972).
"NCMA Adds Major Works," North Carolina Museum of Art Calendar of Art Events 15, no. 9 (June-July 1972), briefly discussed and illus. (b-w) unnumbered pages.
The Art of Andrew Wyeth (exhibition catalogue) (San Francisco: published for the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco by the New York Graphic Society, Ltd., Greenwich, CT, 1973), discussed 58, illus. (color) 59.
"Acquisitions," North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin 12, nos. 1 and 2 (December 1973), briefly discussed 17, listed 46, illus. (b-w) 18.
Betsy James Wyeth, Wyeth at Kuerners (Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1976), illus. (color) 309.
Two Worlds of Andrew Wyeth: Kuerners and Olsons (New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1976), illus. (b-w) 177, fig. 5.
"Painting People: Special Feature on the Wyeth Family," Art and Man 8 (March 1978), illus. 3.
Gail Dristle and Luann Glick, Literature (Evanston: McDougal, Littel & Co., 1982), illus. 418-419.
Edgar Peters Bowron, ed. Introduction to the Collection (Chapel Hill: published for the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1983), illus. (b-w) 272.
M. Therese Southgate, "The Cover," JAMA: The Journal of the American Medical Association 253 (January 4, 1985), discussed 37, illus. (color) cover.
John L. Ward, American Realist Painting, 1945-1980 (Ann Arbor: UMI Research Press, 1988) discussed 20, illus. (b-w) fig. 9.
David Anfam, Abstract Expressionism (London: Thames and Hudson, 1990), noted 150, illus. (b-w) fig. 114.
Richard Meryman, First Impressions: Andrew Wyeth (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc., 1991) 82-83, illus. (color) 82-83.
Introduction to the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1992), illus. (color) 268.
Joe Rada, "From Classical to Contemporary," Southern Living 27 (December 1992), 30, illus. (color).
Bruce H. Dempsey, "Andrew Wyeth: Southeastern Collections," in Andrew Wyeth: Southeastern Collections (exhibition catalogue) (Jacksonville, FL: Jacksonville Art Museum, 1992), discussed unpaginated, illus. (b-w) fig.6.
[author?] Andrew Wyeth (Contemporary Great Masters 3) (Tokyo: Kodansha, Ltd., 1993), illus. (color) pl. 3, cover (detail).
Richard Meryman, Andrew Wyeth: A Secret Life (New York: Harper Collins, 1996), 227-231, 238, 283, 334, 363, 410; illus. (b-w)228-229.
George Howe Colt, "Face to Face: Wyeth," Life (March 1997), 74-82, 84, 86, illus. (color, detail) 76-77.
Ralph Blumenthal, "Wyeth, warts and all, still sovereign of his own art world," Charlotte Observer (March 2, 1997), F1-2, illus. F1.
Doris Betts, "The Goal of a Realist," in The Store of Joys (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1997), 92-95, illus. (color) 92. Reprinted in Southern Cultures 3 (1997): 43-46, illus. (b-w) 43 (also color).
Peter Makuck, "Wyeth's Winter," in The Store of Joys, Huston Paschal, ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1997), 96-97, illus. (detail, color) 96.
M. Therese Southgate, M.D., The Art of JAMA (St. Louis: Mosby, 1997),discussed 160, illus. (color).
"Wyeth's World," Condé Nast Traveler (April 1998), illus. (color) 126-127.
David Michaelis, "Shadow of the Patriarch," Vanity Fair, no. 456 (August 1998), illus. (color) 156.
James F. Cooper, "Unknown Terrain," American Arts Quarterly 15, no. 2-3 (Spring/Summer 1998), 6, illus. (color) 5.
David Michaelis, N.C. Wyeth (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1998), 428.
John W. Coffey, entry for Winter 1946, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, Rebecca Martin Nagy, ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1998), 225, illus. (color).
Beth Venn and Adam D. Weinberg, Unknown Terrain: The Landscapes of Andrew Wyeth (exhibition catalogue) (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1998), illus. (color) 75.
Martin Filler, "A National Class Reunion: The Whitney Museum's eye-opening survey of 20th-century American art celebrates our country's cultural coming of age." House Beautiful (May 1999), illus. (color) 122.
Barbara Haskell, The American Century: Art & Culture, 1900-1950 (exhibition catalogue) (New York: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1999), briefly discussed 359, illus. (color) 360.
North Carolina Museum of Art Preview and Calendar of Events (November-December 1999), detail illus. (b-w) cover.
Jay Tobler, ed. The American Art Book (London: Phaidon, 1999), 501, illus. (color).
Gene A. Mittler, Art in Focus, 4th ed. (textbook) (New York: Glencoe McGraw-Hill, 2000), 558, illus. (color).
Shukan Bijutsukan (The Weekly Museum), no. 39 (Tokyo: Shogakukan, 2000), illus. (color) 8-9.
The Museums of the World, no. 48 (Tokyo: Kodansha, 2001), illus. (color) 6.
Kyla Walters, "As I See It," North Carolina Museum of Art Preview and Calendar of Events (Sept/Oct 2001), 29, illus. (b-w), 29.
Museum News 81, no. 1 (January/February 2002), illus. (color) 3, details (color) 38-41, cover.
Charles C. Eldredge, et al, Tales From the Easel: American Narrative Paintings from Southeastern Museums, circa 1800-1950 (exhibition catalogue) (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 2004), cat. no. 70, illus. (color) 205 and cover.
Anne Classen Knutson, et al, Andrew Wyeth: Memory and Magic (exhibition catalogue) (Atlanta and Philadelphia: High Museum of Art and Philadelphia Museum of Art in association with Rizzoli, 2005), 40, 41, 58-59, 61, illus. (color) 141, detail (color) 122-23.
Andrew Graham-Dixon, ed. consultant, Art: The Definitive Visual Guide (London: Dorling Kindersley Limited, 2008), illus. (color) 567.
Jhari Derr-Hill, “Shared Experience: Paintings by Andrew Wyeth,” in North Carolina Museum of Art Preview (Summer 2009), 10–11, illus. (color) 10.
Joyce Hill Stoner, "Remembering Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009)," in American Art 24, no. 1 (Spring 2010), mentioned and illus. (color) 116.
Randall C. Griffin, "Andrew Wyeth's Christina's World: Normalizing the Abnormal Body," American Art 24, no. 10 (Summer 2010), 39, illus. (b-w) 38, fig. 6.
John W. Coffey, entry for Winter 1946, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2010), 468, illus. (color) 469.
Odd Nerdrum, et al, Kitsch: More than Art (Oslo: Schibsted Forlag, 2011), illus. (color) 354, detail (color) 355.
Jill P. May and Robert E. May, Howard Pyle: Imagining an American School of Art (Urbana, Chicago, and Springfield: University of Chicago Press, 2011), briefly discussed 200, illus. (b-w) 199.
Henry Adams, "Three Generations of Wyeths," in The Wyeths: Three Generations of American Art (exhibition catalogue) (Paris: Mona Bismarck Foundation, 2011), 28-29, illus. (color) 28 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).]
Ming Chen, Visual Literacy for Theatre (Deer Park, NY: Linus Publications, 2011), briefly discussed and illus. (b-w and color) 112.
Henry Adams, The Wyeths Across Texas (Tyler, TX: Tyler Museum of Art, 2012), discussed 26, illus. (color) 27 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).
Hélena Lamouliatte-Schmitt, “Andrew Wyeth: dé/figurer la pastorale américaine,” in Pratiques et Esthétique de la Déviance en Amérique du Nord, Pascale Antolin and Arnaud Schmitt, eds. (Pessac: Presses Universitaires de Bordeaux, 2012), discussed 226–228, illus. (b-w) 227, fig. 5.
James Crump, James Welling: Monograph (New York: Aperture, 2013), briefly discussed 68, illus. (color) 67, fig. 14.
Wyeth Vertigo (exhibition catalogue) (Shelburne, VT: Shelburne Museum, 2013), briefly discussed and illus. (color) 44, fig. 10 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).
Geraldine Fabrikant, “In a Patch of Pennsylvania, Three Faces of Wyeth,” New York Times (May 26, 2013), briefly discussed and illus. (color) 8 (travel section).
Richard Meryman, Andrew Wyeth: A Spoken Self-Portrait (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2013), 99, illus. (color) 98 and detail (color) cover.
Kammerlohr, Epochen der Kunst: Von der Moderne zu aktuellen Tendenzen [vol. 3] (Munich: Oldenbourg Schulbuchverlag, GmbH, 2013), briefly discussed and illus. (color) 210.
Charles Brock, “Through a Glass: Windows in the Art of Wyeth, Sheeler, and Hopper,” in Andrew Wyeth: Looking Out, Looking In (exhibition catalogue) (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2014), briefly discussed 67, illus. (color) 68, fig. 30 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).
Marco Goldin, Tutankhamon, Caravaggio, Van Gogh: La sera e i notturni dagli Egizi al Novecento (exhibition catalogue) (Vicenza: Basilica Palladiana, 2014), illus. (color) 353.
Francis Weiss, “Kindred Spirits: Robert Frost and Andrew Wyeth,” in Rethinking Andrew Wyeth, David Cateforis, ed. (Berkeley: University of California Press, 2014), discussed 146–48, illus. (color) 147, fig. 7.3.
Anne Guglielmetti, “Le temps dans le peinture d’Andrew Wyeth,” in Mirabilia no. 6 (Autumn 2014), illus. (color) 92.
Timothy J. Standring, Wyeth: Andrew & Jamie in the Studio (exhibition catalogue) (New Haven and London: Yale University Press for Denver Art Museum), mentioned and illus. (color) 180 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).
Entry for Andrew Wyeth painting “The Sexton,” American Art (auction catalogue) (New York: Christie’s, November 22, 2016), discussed 64–65, illus. (color) 64.
Andrew Wyeth in Retrospect (Chadd’s Ford, PA, and Seattle, WA: Brandywine River Museum of Art and Seattle Art Museum in association with Yale University Press, New Haven and London, 2017), 14–15, 23, 39, 44, 54, 58–61, 175, 182, 210, illus. (color) 59, pl. 15.
Richard B. Woodward, “Reassessing a Mythic Painter,” Wall Street Journal (July 17, 2017), mentioned and Illus. (color) A13.
Hiroshi Noda, et al., Art Text Book (Tokyo: Mitsumura Tosho Publishing Company, 2016), illus. (color) 104–105.
M. Shuji Takahashi, Andrew Wyeth Art Collection Book (Tokyo: Bijutsu Co., Ltd., 2017), illus. (color) 10–11.
Eric Pagliano and Sylvie Raymond, Drapé (exhibition catalogue) (Paris: Lienart Éditions for the Museé des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, 2019), illus. (color) 63, fig. 48 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).
Jon Thompson, "That Hand Drifting in the Air" in “You Are the River: Literature Inspired by the North Carolina Museum of Art,” edited by Helena Feder (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2021), illus (color) 46.
Maciej Plaza, Skorun, (Warsaw: Foksal Publishing Group, 2015), illus.
Revue Mirabilia Journal (Paris: Association La Goutte d'eau, 2014), illus.
North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection," (Raleigh, NC; North Carolina Museum of Art, 2024), illus. (color) 54-55.Exhibition HistoryNew York, NY, Portraits, Inc., "The Wyeth Family," October 22-November 9, 1946, no. 21 (lent by Mr. John W. MacDonald).
Manchester, NH, The Currier Gallery of Art, “Paintings and Drawings by Andrew Wyeth,” July 7–August 4, 1951; Rockland, ME, The William A. Farnsworth Library and Art Museum, August 10–September 8, 1951, no. 9 (lent by Mr. and Mrs. John D. MacDonald).
Boston, MA, Institute of Contemporary Art, (Andrew Wyeth-Waldo Pierce exhibition), June 5-21, 1952.
Buffalo, NY, Albright-Knox Art Gallery, "Andrew Wyeth: Temperas, Water Colors and Drawings," November 2-December 9, 1962, no. 3 (lent anonymously).
Philadelphia, PA, Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, "Andrew Wyeth: Temperas, Watercolors, Drybrush, Drawings, 1938 to 1966," October 8-November 27, 1966; Baltimore, MD, Baltimore Museum of Art, December 13, 1966-January 22, 1967; New York, NY, Whitney Museum of American Art, February 14-April 2, 1967; Chicago, IL, The Art Institute of Chicago, April 21-June 4, 1967, no. 19, illus. (b-w).
Boston, MA, Museum of Fine Arts, "Andrew Wyeth," 1970, no. 4, illus. (b-w).
New York, NY, Hirschl & Adler Galleries, "Important Recent Acquisitions," February 2-23, 1972, no. 74, illus. (b-w).
Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Recent Acquisitions and Loans," July 16-October 1, 1972.
San Francisco, CA, M. H. deYoung Memorial Museum of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco, "The Art of Andrew Wyeth," June 16-September 3, 1973, discussed 58, illus. (color) 59.
Tokyo, Japan, National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo, "Works of Andrew Wyeth," April 6-May 19, 1974; Kyoto, Japan, The National Museum of Modern Art, Kyoto, May 25-June 30, 1974, no. 4, illus. (b-w).
Hickory, NC, Hickory Museum of Art, "Annual Membership Campaign Reception,"May 28, 1975.
Statesville, NC, Arts and Science Museum, Annual September Membership Exhibition, September 7-28, 1975.
New York, NY, Metropolitan Museum of Art, "Two Worlds of Andrew Wyeth: Kuerners and Olsons," October 16, 1976-February 6, 1977, no. 5, illus. (b-w).
Greenville, SC, Greenville County Museum of Art, "Andrew Wyeth in Southern Collections," February 1-March 31, 1978.
Fayetteville, NC, Fayetteville Museum of Art, "Inaugural Exhibition of American Paintings and Sculpture from the Collection of the North Carolina Museum of Art," May 1-30, 1978.
Winston-Salem, NC, Reynolda House Museum of American Art, "Twentieth-Century American Art from the North Carolina Museum of Art," December 7, 1979-January 31, 1980.
Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Howard Pyle and The Wyeths: Four Generations of American Imagination," February 4-April 1, 1984,included as supplement to exhibition organized by the Memphis Brooks Museum of Art.
New York, NY, Whitney Museum of American Art, "Unknown Terrain: The Landscapes of Andrew Wyeth," May 28-August 30, 1998; St. Petersburg, Russia, The State Hermitage Museum, October 13, 1998-January 10, 1999, illus. (color) 75.
New York, NY, Whitney Museum of American Art, "The American Century: Art and Culture, 1900-2000 (Part 1: 1900-1950)," April 22-August 22, 1999, cat. 359, illus. (color) 360.
Columbus, GA, The Columbus Museum, "Tales from the Easel: Narrative Paintings from Southern Museums," February 8-April 11, 2004; Tampa, FL, Tampa Museum of Art, April 25-July 11, 2004; Louisville, KY, J.B. Speed Art Museum, September 14-December 12, 2004; El Paso, TX, El Paso Museum of Art, January 16-April 10, 2005, cat. no. 70, illus. (color) 205 and cover.
Atlanta, GA, The High Museum of Art, "Andrew Wyeth: Memory and Magic," November 12, 2005-February 26, 2006; Philadelphia, PA, Philadelphia Museum of Art, March 25-July 16, 2006, 40, 41, 58-59, 61, illus. (color) 141, detail (color) 122-23.
Chadd’s Ford, PA, Brandywine River Art Museum, “Andrew Wyeth: In Retrospect,” June 14–September 17, 2017; Seattle, WA, Seattle Art Museum, October 29, 2017–January 15, 2018, cat. pp. 14–15, 23, 39, 44, 54, 58–61, 175, 182, 210, illus. (color) 59, pl. 15.
Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection, Reimagined," October 7, 2022–present. Object Rights Statement
The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) makes images of its collection available online to support research and scholarship and to inform and educate the public. Certain works of art, as well as the photographs of those works of art, may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by the NCMA. The responsibility for ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permissions remains with the applicant. To request images and/or permissions from the NCMA, please complete our online request form.
Carolyn Wyeth
Franz von Stuck