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The Feast of Esther
The Feast of Esther

The Feast of Esther

Artist Jan Lievens Dutch, 1607–1674
Datecirca 1625
MediumOil on canvas
Dimensionsoverall: 51 1/2 × 64 1/2 in. (130.8 × 163.8 cm)
frame: 61 3/8 × 74 1/4 × 5 in. (155.9 × 188.6 × 12.7 cm)
Credit LinePurchased with funds from the State of North Carolina
Object number52.9.55
On View
Not on view
ProvenanceCreated Leiden, Netherlands, ca. 1625. Possibly Comte Charles Alexander de Calonne (1734–1802), Paris; [his sale, Skinner and Dyck, London, March 23–28, 1795, no. 55, as Rembrandt]. [B. Sommelinck sale, Galerie Fievez, Brussels, December 16, 1936, no. 80, as Aert de Gelder] [1]; [Kunsthandel Pieter de Boer, Amsterdam, until at least February 1938, as Rembrandt van Rijn]; [Charles A. de Burlet, Basel]; [consigned October 19, 1949 to Hans Schaeffer Galleries, New York]; sold to NCMA, 1952.

[1] Purportedly signed and dated 1632.
Published ReferencesF. Nicolai, Beschreibung von Berlin, 2, revised 1779, 2, p. 619

F, Nicolai, Beschreibung der Königlichen Residenzstädte Berlin und Potsdam (Berlin, 1786), 838.

"Catalogue de Tableaux et Autres Effets, des Cabinets de Feu M. Beaujon (1787), 15, no. 34.

Possibly “A catalogue of all that noble & superlatively capital assemblage of valuable pictures, drawings, miniatures, and prints, the property of the Right Hon. Charles Alexander de Calonne” (auction catalogue) (London: Skinner and Dyke, March 23, 1795), lot 55 as Esther, Haman, and Ahasuerus by Rembrandt.

George Redford, Art Sales: A History of Sales of Pictures and Other Works of Art (auction catalogue) (London, 1888), vol. 2, 1860 as Haman supplicating Esther by Rembrandt.

C[ornelis] Hofstede de Groot, Die Urkunden über Rembrandt (1575-1721) (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1906), cat. no. 177; cat. no. 247.

C[ornelis] Hofstede de Groot, A Catalogue Raisonné of the Works of the Most Eminent Dutch Painters of the Seventeenth Century (based on work of John Smith), Vol. 6 (London: Macmillan and Co., 1916), cat. no. 46a.

Algernon Graves, Art sales from early in the eighteenth century to early in the twentieth century (mostly Old Master and early English pictures), (London: Algernon Graves, 1921), vol. 2, 377 as Esther, Haman, and Ahasuerus, by Rembrandt.

A[braham] Bredius, Rembrandt: The Complete Edition of the Paintings (London: Phaidon Press, 1st ed. 1935, 3rd ed. 1969), Br. 631 (cat. no) as The Wrath of Ahasuerus, illus. 398.

Abraham Bredius, ed., The Paintings of Rembrandt (Vienna: Phaidon, 1936), cat. no. 631.

Wilhelme Martin, "Uit Rembrandt's Leidsche Jaren," in Jaarboek van de Maatschappij Letterkunde te Leiden (1936-37), 51-62.

Bredius, Letter, Monaco, February 1937 (as Rembrandt, 1625-30).

Jan Gerrit van Gelder, "Een Nieuw Jeugwerk van Rembrandt,"Elsevier's Geillustreerd Maandeschrift 93 (1937), 353-55.

Die Maenblad von Werld de Konste, 19 (1937).

Eenige oude schilderijen der Collectie N.V. Kunsthandel P. de Boer (exhibition catalogue) (Rotterdam: Rotterdamsche Kunstkring,1937).

Kurt Bauch, "Rembrandt und Lievens," Jahrbuch des Wallraf-Richartz Museums 11 (1939), 240-41, illus. 241.

H[endrick] E[nno] van Gleder, "Rembrandt: Schilder van de Nachtwacht," Rembrandt Palet Series 17 (Amsterdam: H.J.W. Becht, 1948), 58-59.

Jakob Rosenberg, Rembrandt (Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press, 1948), 248. [VOLUNTEER CHECKED AND FOUND NO REFERENCE TO LIEVENS OR THE WORK.]

H[endrick] E[nno] van Gleder, Rembrandt: Schilder van de Nachtwacht," Rembrandt Palet Series 17 (Amsterdam: H.J.W. Becht, 1953), 190, 253, illus. 270.

Seymour Slive, Rembrandt and His Critics (The Hague, 1953), 52.

J[an] G[errit] van Gelder, Rembrandt's vroegste ontwikkeling," in Mededelingen der Koninklijke nederlandse academie van wetenschappen, AFD, letterkunde. Nieuwe reeks, deel 16, no. 5 (transl. New Series, vol. 16, no. 5) (Amsterdam: Noord-Hollandische uitgevers maatschappij, 1953), 281-282, illus. fig. 9, pl. vi.

Gerard Knuttel, "Rembrandt's Earliest Works," Burlington Magazine 97, no. 623 (February 1955), 44-46.

W. R. Valentiner, Rembrandt and His Pupils: A Loan Exhibition (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1956), cat. no. 1 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w).

Life (December 10, 1956), illus.

Colliers (May 25, 1956), illus. 40.

Weltkunst 26, no. 14 (15 Juli 1956), illus. cover.

W. R. Valentiner, Catalogue of Paintings: Including Three Sets of Tapestries (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1956), cat. no. 65 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w).

Horst Gorson, "Probleme der Rembrandtschule," Kunstchronik 10, no. 5 (Mai 1957), 121-22.

May Davis Hill, "Representations from the Old Testament in the Museum's Collection of Paintings," North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin 1, no. 2 (Summer 1957), discussed 14-15, illus. (b-w) 14.

Werner Sumowski, "Nachtrage zum Rembrandt jahr 1956," Wissenschaftliche Zeitschrift der Humboldt - Universität zu Berlin 7, no. 2 (1957-58), 225, illus. fig. 15 (as Lievens?).

Alfred Scharf, "The Robinson Collection," Burlington Magazine 100, no. 666 (September 1958), 304.

Masterpieces of Art: In Memory of William R. Valentiner, 1880-1958 (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1959), cat. no. 68 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w) 123.

Figures at a Table (exhibition catalogue) (Sarasota: John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art, 1960), cat. no. 17.

Creighton Gilbert, "Figures at a Table," The Ringling Museums, Sarasota, Florida Bulletin, no. 1 (February 1960), cat. no. 17, illus.

Kurt Bauch, Der frühe Rembrandt und seine Zeit (Berlin: Gebr. Mann, 1960), cat. no. 77, illus. (color) 113, detail 117.

Youthful Works by Great Artists: An Exhibition (exhibition catalogue) (Oberlin: Allen Memorial Art Museum, 1963), cat. no. 11.

Seymour Slive, "The Young Rembrandt." Allen Memorial Art Museum (Oberlin College) Bulletin 20, no. 3 (Spring 1963), 139, 141-44, illus. 140.

J. R. Judson, "Pictorial Sources for Rembrandt's Denial of St. Peter," Oud Holland 79, no. 3 (1964), 151 (footnote no. 40).

Jakob Rosenberg, Rembrandt: Life and Work (Greenwich, CT: Phaidon, 1964), 14, 345, 364.

Madlyn Kahr, "Rembrandt's Esther: A Painting and an Etching newly interpreted and dated," Oud Holland 81, no. 4 (1966), 228-244 (non-Rembrandt).

Kurt Bauch, "Anhang I: Werke von Schülern, die von Rembrandt übergangen worden sind," in Rembrandt: Gemälde (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter & Co., 1966), cat. listing 29, illus. no A1 (as Rembrandt and Lievens).

Charles W. Stanford, Masterpieces in the North Carolina Museum of Art (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1966), no. 25 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w).

"Restoration," North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin 6, no. 4 and 7, no. 1 (1966/67?) briefly discussed 16 (as Rembrandt's Esther's Feast).

Kurt Bauch, "Zum Werk des Jan Lievens (I)," Pantheon 25, no. 3 (Mai/Juni 1967), 160 ff., illus. 161 (as by Lievens and Rembrandt).

Giovanni Arpino, Rembrandt (Milan, 1969), cat. no. 6 (as Rembrandt and Lievens).

Maandblad Amsterodamum [Amsterdam Magazine], "De Rembrandt's In De Verzamelingen 'Hinloopen,' 56 (1969), 233-237, as "Ahasveros, Ester en Haman aan tafel" (235).

A. Bredius & H. Gerson, Rembrandt: the complete edition of the paintings (London : Phaidon, 1969), 616, illus. fig 631.

Rembrandt and His Pupils (exhibition catalogue) (Montreal: Museum of Fine Arts, 1969), cat. no. 1.

Julian S. Held, "Die Ausstellung 'Rembrandt and His Pupils' in Montreal und Toronto," Pantheon 27, no. 5 (September-October 1969), 387-88.

Roy Parker, Jr., Raleigh: The News and Observer (October 19, 1969).

Benjamin Rifkin, "Rembrandt and His Circle, Part 2," ARTnews 68, no. 6 (October 1969), 31-32, 34, illus. (color) 35.

Hans Schneider & Rudolf E. O. Ekkart, Jan Lievens: sein Leben und seine Werke (Amsterdam: Israël, 1973), 344-345.

North Carolina Museum of Art Bulletin 13, no. 3 (1976), listed 60.

Geschildert tot Leyden anno 1626 (exhibition catalogue) (Leiden: Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal, 1976), cat. no. S29 (as by Rembrandt), illus.

Baruch David Kirschenbaum, The Religious and Historical Paintings of Jan Steen (Oxford: Phaidon, 1977), 118, 239, illus. fig 117.

Jan Lievens: Ein Maler im Schatten Rembrandts (exhibition catalogue) (Braunschweig: Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum Braunschweig, 1979), 17-18, illus. fig. 3.

Christopher Brown, "Jan Lievens in Brunswick," The Burlington Magazine 121, no. 920 (November 1979), 742.

Benedict Nicolson, The International Carvaggesque Movement (Oxford: Phaidon Press, 1979), 81, 244.

Albert Blankert, et al, Gods, Saints & Heroes: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt (exhibition catalogue) (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 1980), cat. no. 31, illus.

Barry Hannegan, NCMA Education Branch Newsletter 9, no. 6 (November-December 1980), 4.

Anna-Mei Chadwick, "The Arts Reviewed: United States of America," "Gods, Saints and Heroes: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt," The Connoisseur 206, no. 830 (April 1981), 252.

J. B. Haak Bruyn, S. H. Levie, P. J. J. van Thiel and E. van de Wetering, A Corpus of Rembrandt Paintings, (Stichting Foundation Rembrandt Research Project, 1625-1631) (The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1982), section C2, 446-460, illus. figs. 1-6, pp. 447-47, 449, 452.

Edgar Peters Bowron, ed., Introduction to the Collections (Chapel Hill: published for the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1983), illus. (b-w) 97.

Werner Sumowski, Gemälde der Rembrandt-Schüler, Vol. 3, text by B. Keil and J. Ovens (Landau/Pfalz: Pfälzische Verlagsanstalt GmbH, 1983) cat. no. 1181, illus. (color) 1820.

Dutch Art in the Age of Rembrandt (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1986), discussed 4-5, illus. (b-w) cover.

Albert Blankert and Leonard J. Slatkes, Holländische Malerei in neuem Licht: Hendrick ter Brugghen und seine Zeitgenossen (exhibition catalogue) (Braunschweig: Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum; Utrecht: Centraal Museum, 1986), discussed and illus. (b-w) 57, fig. 51 (catalogue only, not in show).

Saints and Heroes (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1987), discussed 19, illus. (b-w) 18, fig. 13.

Agnes R. Bleesing, "The Depiction of The Feast of Esther in the North Netherlandish Painting of the 17th Century," excerpt from Thesis, State University Leiden, The Netherlands, 1989.

Europaeische Malerei des Barock aus dem Nationalmuseum in Warschau (Utrecht: Centraal Museum, 1990), 27.

A. J. [Anthony Janson], "Lievens Painting Featured in Rembrandt Show," North Carolina Museum of Art Preview (Autumn 1991), illus. (b-w) 17.

Peter Plagens, "Real Deal Rembrandt," Newsweek (September 30, 1991), 50, illus. 51.

Christian Tümpel, et al, Het Oude Testament 'in de Schilderkunst van de gouden Eeuw'," (Zwolle: Waanders Uitgevers, 1991), 14-15, illus. fig 7.

Christopher Brown, Jan Kelch, and Pieter van Thiel, Rembrandt: the Master and his Workshop (exhibition catalogue) (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1991), cat. no. 52, illus.

Jean-François Chaigneau, "Rembrandt: Maitre ou Eleves. la grande bataille," Paris Match (23 Janvier, 1992), 66.

Anthony Janson, "The Museum's 'Rembrandt's': Jan Lievens, Part 1," North Carolina Museum of Art Preview (Spring 1992), 3-5, illus. (b-w) 2.

Introduction to the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1992), illus. (color) xiv and 87.

Rembrandt och Hans Tid: människan i centrum (Rembrandt and his age: focus on man) (exhibition catalogue) (Stockholm: Nationalmuseum, 1992), 140, illus. fig. 24a (catalogue only, not in exhibition).

Martin Weyl, Rivka Weiss-Blok, eds., Rembrandt's Holland (Jerusalem: The Israel Museum, 1993), illus. (color) 117.

Joseph Coleson, "History Hasn't Been Kind to the Jews: Esther and the Near Holocaust," Illustrated Bible Life (March-May, 1994), 47, illus.

New History of World Art, Vol. 17-241 (Tokyo: Shogakukan, 1995), illus. (color) 120.

Walter Liedtke, Carolyn Logan, Nadine M. Ornstein, Stephanie S. Dickey, Rembrandt/Not Rembrandt in the Metropolitan Museum of Art: Aspects of Connoisseurship (New York: Harry N. Abrams, Inc, 1995), 8-10, illus. 8.

Chuck Twardy, "Dutch Gold Sees the Light Again," Raleigh: The News and Observer (February 9, 1996, "What's Up" insert), mentioned 21.

Helga Gutbrod, Lievens und Rembrandt: Studien zum Verhältnis ihrer Kunst (Ars Faciendi: Beiträge und Studien zur Kunstgeschichte), Band 6 (Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang GmbH, 1996), 306, 374, illus. 380.

Dresden, Albertinum, Brühlsche Terrasse, "Van Eyck, Bruegel, Rembrandt: Niederländische Zeichnungen des 15. bis 17. Jahrhunderts aus dem Kupferstich-Kabinett Dresden," August 15-October 19, 1997; Vienna, Kunstforum, December 17, 1997-February 22, 1998, catalog by Christian Dittrich (Erausburg: Edition Minerva Hermann Farnung, 1997) 186, illus. (b-w). (Catalogue only, not in show.)

Ernest van de Wetering, Rembrandt: The Painter at Work (Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 1997), illus. (color detail) 174.

Dennis Weller, entry for The Feast of Esther, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, Rebecca Martin Nagy, ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1998),102, illus. (color).

Dennis P. Weller, Sinners and Saints, Darkness & Light: Caravaggio and His Dutch and Flemish Followers (exhibition catalogue) (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1998), cat. no. 29, illus. (color).

Scott Schaefer, "The Realization of a Dream," Sotheby's Preview (January 1999), illus. (color) 35.

Wolfgang Stechow, "Rembrandt and the Old Testament," Allen Memorial Art Museum Bulletin 51, no. 2 and 52, no. 1 (1998), 35, 38, illus. (b-w) 37.

J. Richard Judson and Rudolf E. O. Ekkart, Gerrit van Honthorst (Doornspijk: Davaco Publishers, 1999), 226, illus. (b-w) fig. 76.

Mirjam Neumeister, Das Nachtstück mit Kunstlicht in der Niederländischen Malerei und Graphik des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts (Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 1999), 234-35, 272-73, illus. (b-w) 234.

Mariët Westermann, Rembrandt (London: Phaidon, 2000), 38-39, illus. (color) 38 (as The Banquet of Esther and Ahasuerus).

Walter Liedtke, "The Study of Dutch Art in America," Artibus et Historiae, no. 41 (2000), 210, illus. (b-w) 212.

Mariët Westermann, "Making a Mark in Rembrandt's Leiden," in Rembrandt Creates Rembrandt: Art and Ambition in Leiden 1629-1631, Alan Chong, ed. (exhibition catalogue) (Zwolle: Waanders Uitgevers, 2000), 36, illus. (b-w).

Ernst van de Wetering et al., The Mystery of the Young Rembrandt (Wolfratshausen: Edition Minerva, 2001), 103, 189, 192, 194, illus. fig. 24a, 195.

Peter van der Ploeg, Epco Runia, and Ariane van Suchtelen, Dutch and Flemish old masters from the Kremer collection (Den Haag: Fondation Aetas Aurea, 2002), 100-102.

Joanna Kikissis, "New respect for an old master," Raleigh: The News and Observer (October 13, 2002), mentioned 3G.

"Dutch Seventeenth-Century Biblical Paintings," in North Carolina Museum of Art supplement to the Durham Herald-Sun (October 2002), mentioned and illus. (color), 7.

Roelof van Straten et al., Young Rembrandt: the Leiden years, 1606-1632 (Leiden: Foleor Publishers, cop. 2005), 27, illus. fig. 9.

Duncan Bull, et al, Rembrandt / Caravaggio (exhibition catalogue) (Zwolle: Waanders Publishers; Amsterdam: The Rijksmuseum, 2006), mentioned 189, illus. (color) 190, fig. 88 (catalogue only, not in exhibition).

Bernhard Schnackenburg, Jan Lievens und Pieter de Grebber (2007), 204, illus. fig. 22.

Dennis P. Weller, "Old Masters in the New World: The Hudson-Fulton Exhibition of 1909 and its Legacy," in Going Dutch: The Dutch Presence in American, 1609-2009, Joyce D. Goodfriend, Benjamin Schmidt, and Annette Stott, eds. (Leiden & Boston: Brill, 2008), 257, 259, illus. (b-w) 258.

Arthur K. Wheelock Jr., et al, Jan Lievens: A Dutch Master Rediscovered (exhibition catalogue) (Washington, DC: National Gallery of Art, 2008), cat. no. 6, illus. (color), also mentioned 6, 43-44, 71, 82, 94, 96, 231.

Jan Lievens: A Dutch Master Rediscovered (exhibition brochure, National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC), briefly discussed and illus. (color) fig. 1, unpaginated.

Matthew Gurewitsch, “(Out of Rembrandt’s Shadow),” Smithsonian Features 39, no. 12 (March 2009) 58-59.

Jonathan Lopez, "Out of the shadows" (exhibition review) in Apollo (January 2009), mentioned and illus. (color) 83, fig. 2.

Patrick De Rynck, Understanding Paintings: Bible Stories and Classical Myths in Art, (London: Thames & Hudson, 2009), discussed 182-183, illus. (color) 183, details (color), 182-183.

Dennis P. Weller, “Seventeenth-century Dutch and Flemish Paintings in Raleigh,” Codart (Winter 2009), briefly discussed and illus. 12.

Dennis P. Weller, Seventeenth-Century Dutch and Flemish Paintings [Systematic Catalogue of the Collection] (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2009), cat. no. 25, illus. (color) 108, also mentioned xi.

Dennis P. Weller, entry for The Feast of Esther, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2010), 214, illus. (color) 215.

Gregory Rubinstein, "Brief Encounter: The Early Drawings of Jan Lievens and Their Relationship with Those of Rembrandt," Master Drawings 49, no. 3 (Autumn 2011), briefly discussed 367-368, illus. (color) 367.

George S. Keyes, Tom Rassieur, and Dennis P. Weller, Rembrandt in America (exhibition catalogue) (New York: Skira Rizzoli, 2011), cat. no. 39, discussed 35, 92, 164-65, illus. (color) 194, 160, pl. 47, and large detail (color) 16-17.

Dennis P. Weller, "Rembrandt in America, Rembrandt at the NCMA," in North Carolina Museum of Art Preview (Winter 2012), discussed 7, illus. (color) 9.

Olivier Zeder, "Les caravagesques hollandais: De la douceur à l'intensité," in Dossier de l'art 197 (June 2012), 40, illus. (color).

Aaron Koller, Esther in Ancient Jewish Thought (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2014), illus., large detail (color) front cover, detail (color) back cover.

Bernhard Schnakenburg, Jan Lievens: Friend and Rival of the Young Rembrandt (Petersberg: Michael Imhof Verlag, 2016), cat. no. 26, illus. (color), also discussed 48, 49, 51, illus. (color), 49, fig. 49, and detail (color) 48, fig. 48.

Bodo Brinkmann, et al., Rembrandt’s Orient: West Meets East in Dutch Art of the Seventeenth Century (exhibition catalogue) (Munich, London, New York: Prestel, 2020), cat. no. 58, illus. (color) 211.

North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection," (Raleigh, NC; North Carolina Museum of Art, 2024), illus. (color) 136-137.
Exhibition HistoryAmsterdam, N.V. Kunsthaus de Boer, 1937-1938 (as Rembrandt).

Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Dec. 1937- Jan. 1938; Entschede, April 1938.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Rembrandt and His Pupils: A Loan Exhibition," November 16-December 30, 1956, cat. no. 1 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w).

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Masterpieces of Art: In Memory of William R. Valentiner, 1880-1958," April 6-May 17, 1959, cat. no. 68 (as by Rembrandt), illus. (b-w).

Sarasota, FL, John and Mable Ringling Museum, "Figures at a Table," February 7-March 6, 1960, cat. no. 17.

Oberlin, OH, Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, "Youthful Works by Great Artists: An Exhibition," March 10-30, 1963, cat. no. 11.

Montreal, Museum of Fine Arts, "Rembrandt and His Pupils," January 9-February 23, 1969; Toronto, Art Gallery of Ontario, March 14-April 27, 1969, cat. no. 1.

Leiden, Stedelijk Museum de Lakenhal-Leiden, "Geschildert tot Leyden anno 1926," November 18, 1976-January 9, 1977, cat. no. S29.

Braunschweig, Herzog Anton Ulrich-Museum, "Jan Lievens: ein Maler im Schatten Rembrandts," September 6-November 11, 1979, illus. fig. 3.

Washington, DC, National Gallery of Art, "Gods, Saints and Heroes: Dutch Painting in the Age of Rembrandt," November 2, 1980-January 4, 1981; Detroit, The Detroit Institute of Arts, February 16-April 19, 1981; Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, May 18-July 19, 1981, cat. no. 31.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Dutch Art in the Age of Rembrandt," October 25, 1986-February 15, 1987, discussed 4-5, illus. (b-w) cover.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, Mary Duke Biddle Gallery, "Saints and Heroes," November 14, 1987-July 24, 1988, 19, illus. (b-w) 18, fig. 13.

Berlin, Gemäldegalerie SMPK at the Altes Museum, "Rembrandt: the Master and His Workshop," September 12-November 10, 1991; Amsterdam, Rijksmuseum, December 4, 1991-March 1, 1992; London, The National Gallery, London, March 26-May 25, 1992, cat. no. 52, illus.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Sinners and Saints, Darkness and Light: Caravaggio and His Dutch and Flemish Followers," September 27- December 13, 1998; Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee Art Museum, January 29-April 18, 1999; Dayton, OH, The Dayton Art Institute, May 8-July 18, 1999, cat. no. 29, illus. (color).

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Dutch Biblical Paintings/Rembrandt Etchings," October 13, 2002-January 5, 2003.

Washington, DC, National Gallery of Art, "Jan Lievens: A Dutch Master Rediscovered," October 26, 2008-January 11, 2009; Milwaukee, WI, Milwaukee Art Museum, February 7-April 26, 2009; Rembrandthuis, Amsterdam, May 17-August 9, 2009, cat. no. 6, illus. (color).

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Rembrandt in America," October 30, 2011-January 22, 2012; Cleveland, OH, Cleveland Museum of Art, February 19-May 28, 2012; Minneapolis, MN, Minneapolis Institute of Arts, June 24-September 16, 2012, cat. no. 39, illus. (color).

Williamsburg, VA, Muscarelle Museum of Art at the College of William and Mary, “In the Light of Caravaggio: Dutch and Flemish Paintings from Southeastern Museums,” February 10–May 13, 2018.

Basel, Switzerland, Kunstmuseum Basel, “Rembrandt's Orient: West Meets East in the Work of Rembrandt and his Dutch Contemporaries,” October 31, 2020–February 14, 2012; Potsdam, Germany, Museum Barberini, March 13–June 27, 2021, cat. no. 58, illus. (color).

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection, Reimagined," October 7, 2022–September 5, 2023.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Dutch Art in a Global Age: Masterpieces from the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston", September 16, 2023-January 7, 2024.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection, Reimagined," January 16, 2023-November 25, 2024.
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The North Carolina Museum of Art (NCMA) makes images of its collection available online to support research and scholarship and to inform and educate the public. Certain works of art, as well as the photographs of those works of art, may be protected by copyright, trademark, or related interests not owned by the NCMA. The responsibility for ascertaining whether any such rights exist and for obtaining all other necessary permissions remains with the applicant. To request images and/or permissions from the NCMA, please complete our online request form.

Fantastic Landscape
Jan Lievens
circa 1643–1645
Young Man Wearing a Beret
Jan Lievens
circa 1627–29
The Worship of the Golden Calf
Jan Steen
circa 1672–1675
Pastoral Scene
Jan Siberechts
circa 1667–1668
Alexander and Diogenes
Jan Frans van Bloemen
late 17th–mid-18th century
Portrait of a Man
Jan Fransz. Hals
Deer Hunt
Jan Wijk
circa 1696
Jan Matulka
circa mid-1920s
The Dentist
Jan Miense Molenaer
Banquet Piece
Jan Jansz. den Uyl
circa 1635