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Bust of the Goddess Sekhmet
Bust of the Goddess Sekhmet

Bust of the Goddess Sekhmet

Artist Unknown
Datecirca 1390–1352 BCE
Dimensions23 x 15 1/2 x 14 in. (58.4 x 39.4 x 35.6 cm)
Credit LineGift of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hanes
Object number82.11
On View
On view
ProvenanceMrs. A. Johnstone, Trewithen House, Cornwall, UK, prior to 1978; McAlpine Ancient Art, London, UK; sold to NCMA, 1982.
Published ReferencesA. J. Mills, "Two Sekhmet statues at Trewithen in Cornwall," The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology 65 (London, 1979), 166.

Apollo 116, no. 250 (December 1982), 429, illus. (Also, the pendant bust to 82.11 is illustrated in the Merrin Gallery ad in this issue.)

"Principales acquisitions des musées en 1982," Gazette des Beaux-Arts, La Chronique des Arts, no. 1370 (Mars 1983), no. 134, illus.

Edgar Peters Bowron, ed., Introduction to the Collections (Chapel Hill: published for the North Carolina Museum of Art, Raleigh, by The University of North Carolina Press, 1983), illus. (b-w) 39.

Introduction to the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1992), illus (b-w) 7.

Dennis A. Greene, M.D., "Sekh-Met: First Goddess of Medicine," North Carolina Medical Journal 55, no. 2 (February 1994), 94-95.

Mary Ellen Soles, entry for Goddess Sekhmet, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, Rebecca Martin Nagy, ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 1998), 16, illus. (color).

Cornelius Vermeule, "Sekhmet, The Lioness Goddess: New Kingdom Egypt, Roman Africa, and Modern America," The Celator 18, no. 9 (September 2004), mentioned 10, illus. (b-w) 12, fig. 4, also, illus (b-w) cover.

Caroline M. Rocheleau, entry for Bust of the Goddess Sekhmet, in North Carolina Museum of Art: Handbook of the Collections, rev. ed. (Raleigh: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2010), 32, illus. (color) 33.

Caroline M. Rocheleau, Ancient Egyptian Art [Systematic Catalogue of the Collection] (Raleigh, NC: North Carolina Museum of Art, 2012), cat. no. 10, illus. (color) 26.

North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection," (Raleigh, NC; North Carolina Museum of Art, 2024), illus. (color) 34.
Exhibition HistoryRaleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "Becoming the NCMA: 10 Decades of Collecting, 1924-2022," June 11-August 21, 2022.

Raleigh, NC, North Carolina Museum of Art, "The People's Collection, Reimagined," October 7, 2022–present.
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