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European to 1910

289 to 312 of 532
Benvenuto Cellini
circa 1560
Noah and the Animals Entering the Ark
Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione
circa 1630–1632
Notre Dame, Paris
Albert-Charles Lebourg
Nude Study of Balzac ("F" Athlete)
Auguste Rodin
Modeled 1896, Musée Rodin cast 1974
Nude Study of Balzac with Folded Arms ("C")
Auguste Rodin
Modeled 1892, Musée Rodin cast 1972
The Oddie Children
Sir William Beechey
Oldfield Bowles (1740–1810)
Nathaniel Dance
circa 1775–1780
Panel from a dismembered altarpiece: Saint Catherine of Alexandria at the Wheel
Master of Saint James at the Battle of Clavijo
circa 1325–1330
Panel from a dismembered altarpiece: Saint John the Evangelist and the Poisoned Chalice
Francescuccio Ghissi (Francesco di Cecco Ghissi)
circa 1370–1380
Panel from a dismembered altarpiece: The Beheading of Saint Catherine of Alexandria
Master of Saint James at the Battle of Clavijo
circa 1325–1330
Panel from a wedding chest: The Battle of Actium
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi
circa 1475–1480
Panel from a wedding chest: The Meeting of Antony and Cleopatra
Neroccio di Bartolomeo de' Landi
circa 1475–1480
Panel of an altarpiece: Christ before Pilate
Lluís Borrassà
circa 1420–1425
Pastoral Scene
Jan Siberechts
circa 1667–1668
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