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European to 1910

265 to 288 of 532
The Marriage of the Virgin
Esteban Márquez de Velasco
circa 1693
The Martyrdom of Saint Januarius
François de Nomé, called Monsù Desiderio
The Martyrdom of St. Alexander
Lorenzo Lotto
Probably after 1560
Mask of the Man with the Broken Nose
Auguste Rodin
Modeled 1863–1864, Musée Rodin cast 1978
Meditation with Arms
Auguste Rodin
Modeled after 1900, Musée Rodin cast 1980
Memento Mori: Death Comes to the Table
Giovanni Martinelli
circa 1630–1638
Mercury About to Behead Argus
Ubaldo Gandolfi
circa 1770–1775
Mercury Lulling Argus to Sleep
Ubaldo Gandolfi
circa 1770–1775
Merry Company
Anthonie Palamedesz.
Mlle. Jean Simpson, Head Study
Auguste Rodin
circa 1903
Mlle. Jean Simpson, Leaning Over
Auguste Rodin
circa 1903
Mon Atelier (My Studio)
Lucie Attinger
Monumental Head of Pierre de Wissant
Auguste Rodin
Modeled circa 1884–1885, enlarged circa 1909, Musée Rodin cast 1980
Monumental Torso of the Walking Man
Auguste Rodin
Modeled circa 1906, Musée Rodin cast 1985
Mrs. Cooper and Her Children
Thomas Hudson
18th century
Naked Muse, without Arms (Study for "The Monument to Whistler")
Auguste Rodin
Modeled 1905–1906, enlarged 1907–1908, Musée Rodin cast 1991
The Nativity
Bartolomeo Bellano
circa 1460–1475
The Nativity and the Procession of the Magi
Sandro Botticelli (Alessandro di Mariano Filipepi)
Nautilus Shell Cup
Cornelis van Bellekin
second half of the 17th century
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